jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2020

A Now Word of Encouragement

What is the Lord saying to you right now?
Empower Disciples

A NOW Word of Encouragement

What is the Lord saying to you right now?

Each month, leaders like James Goll, Craig Hill, Sandie Freed and others will be sharing what God has put on their hearts for you—a "Now" word from the Lord!

Dear Wanda,

As important as it is to receive Godly and grounded systematic teaching, it is also important to receive "NOW" words from the Lord.

"Now" words often take the seeds that have been planted in your heart and bring them into germination, giving you the focused next steps for the season in which you are planted.

That's why we have asked each of our monthly LIVE session speakers for our Empower Disciples membership to share specifically what God has placed on their hearts for the members—right now.

Here is the upcoming schedule for our first 3 LIVE mentoring sessions:

  • Thurs, Jan 21 at 1 pm Eastern: James W. Goll

  • Thurs, Feb 18, at 1 pm Eastern: Craig Hill

  • Thurs, Mar 18 at 1 pm Eastern: Sandie Freed

Each LIVE mentoring session includes:

  • A fresh and timely word of encouragement
  • A space for meaningful small group connection
  • A time of prayer and impartation

All of these sessions will be recorded and saved to the Empower Disciples member site in Teachable.

Monthly LIVE Mentoring

This means if you aren't able to join the live broadcast, you can always watch the replay at a time that works best for you.

Imagine what it will be like to have seasoned leaders in the body of Christ speaking into you each month, and then getting to dialogue with others in meaningful community.

If you need a NOW word and want to be encouraged with focus for this next season, don't miss this opportunity to be mentored by our amazing team of partners.

CLICK HERE to enroll in Empower Disciples now.


Empower Disciples includes the following benefits:

  • Your choice of ANY Empower 2000 class every 2 months (30+ classes and growing)

  • Monthly LIVE mentoring sessions with our Empower 2000 partners (leaders like James Goll, Craig Hill, Sandie Freed, Mickey Robinson, Lee & Cindi Whitman, and more…)
  • Monthly LIVE mentoring sessions on Uncommon Journaling with Joseph Peck and other qualified E2000 team members

  • 50% OFF LIVE Empower 2000 classes (along with qualifying bonuses)

FREE BONUS: If you sign up for Empower Disciples by TOMORROW, December 18 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time, we'll ship you copy of my book I Was Busy, Now I'm Not, FREE anywhere in the world!


Heavenly Father, we take the seeds that have been planted within us through scripture and teaching, and we water them with the NOW words you are speaking to us. We commit to applying and activating them in obedience to the next steps you are giving us. We commit our lives to you right now in Jesus' name. Amen!

Join our growing community of empowered disciples today!

If you have any questions, please email support@empower2000.com.

Blessings to receive a NOW word from the Lord!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

4 Benefits


Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463

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