jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020

Changing the World through Life in the Spirit (Matt Sorger + Testimonies)

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God Encounters Ministries

"Changing the World through Life in the Spirit (Matt Sorger + Testimonies)"

by James W. Goll | December 3, 2020

www.godencounters.com | 1-877-200-1604


When you live a completely surrendered and Spirit-led life, you discover God's power present in you to drive out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead and proclaim the kingdom of God!

This supernatural life is already flowing in you once the Spirit takes residence in you as a child of God. You must simply learn how to walk in the supernatural, naturally in your everyday life.

Not only do you receive the gifts of God, you are called to walk in His character.

Part of our calling is to help people grow in the Word, the will and the ways of God (life in the Spirit).

So every day we are equipping people to live Spirit-led lives, full of God's character AND His power!


Life in the SpiritListen to these wonderful testimonies from people who have grown in living supernatural lives led by God's Spirit through our ministry:

"Connecting with [Mentoring with James Goll] has been something God used to strengthen me at this very volatile time in my life. The impact was to fortify, ground, lift, encourage, plant hope and courage and strong Biblical teachings that I could use in my own life. MWJG is practical, real life stuff."
— C.B. (Arizona)

"I've grown closer to the Lord and I have enjoyed James sharing his heart and being real. I lost my husband 2 years ago and my mom this year. Healing has been slow and hearing James share about his struggles and faith has given me great hope through this grief. The webinars have helped me keep my focus on Jesus and the ministry again."
— L.C. (New Zealand)

"Along with other prophetic ministries and Abba's direct involvement, this last year-and-a-half have been my biggest growth and launch in ministry my entire life."
— C.V. (Wisconsin)

"It has deepened my prayer life, improved my listening capacity, opened me to new dimensions in my spiritual life."
— G.B. (Pennsylvania)

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!... I have so enjoyed every single God story video I have watched! I AM CHALLENGED ENCOURAGED stirred up to love Jesus more, pray more, seek more and be all I can be for HIM. I don't even know how I got to Mentoring with James. I came across it in my searching and am so grateful to God that He pointed me to this website...Thank You!"
— Caroline (South Africa)

"Your statement, 'Value the Voice of your Heart because God's Heart resides there.' inspires me to make this a portion of my daily journaling with Holy Spirit. Even in the midst of heart pain you counsel to keep our hearts pumping as we press in to discover more about God and His great love. Heartwarming actions in the midst of 'There is always an opportunity in God to press the RESET BUTTON!!!'"
— Anne (Connecticut)

"Powerful testimony of life!!!! We truly enjoyed his heart passion of love for his wife and teaching us in how not to give up no matter what circumstances we are facing. Great hope was learned today. We say amen and thank you, James."
— Jimmie and Hattie (Georgia)

"You are such an amazing teacher! Thank you, James Goll, for sharing this in a way that is so easy to understand. I was so inspired by the examples of compassion. This is a powerful lesson [Exploring the Feeler Realm class] and I pray that the Lord will fill me with His love and compassion and that it may freely flow to others. Thank you!"
Elizabeth (Arizona)

"Thank you, James! Never thought of fruit of being just as supernatural as gifts! Thanks for sharing about your wife's cancer... I went through similar experience with my mother's decline in dementia and physical health... thank you for putting into words what I find hard to say because it's so intimate. Your transparency is a great encouragement to all the lives you touch!"
— Mary (Wisconsin)

"I praise God and know that he has recently given me the gift of supernatural love for my husband who isn't a Christian. It hasn't been easy, but I Know and claim that I can win him over through my love for Jesus and that Gods love extends to him through me. God is good. His gifts are wonderful­, and I pray He continues to prune and develop more supernatural fruits of the spirit in me."
— Rachel (New Mexico)

"Awesome teaching James. Truly, it gave me a greater insight as to what a mature Christian looks like.... following the Holy Spirit. Loving His Word. Knowing His Word. Doing His Word. Being consumed by His Holy Word. Then I am rooted. Then comes Surrender!!! Then comes Sanctification!!! Then our soul prospers and will bear fruit. Thank you so Much "
— Barbara (Wisconsin)

"Wow, powerful and moving. Really enjoyed: The Sequence of Wholeness. First comes the knowledge of God's love from the Word of God. Then we move into a revelation of God's love. Thirdly, we experience the emotions of God towards us. Then we exhibit the emotions of God through our lives being made visible to others. Thank you, James, for being a passionate son manifesting the Love of the Father!"
— Scott (Oklahoma)

"One of the points that stood out to me to help me stay out of satan's trap was to remove the mask and not allow satan to lure me into living a double life. Be authentic. Be accountable. Live in transformation. 'God loves His church with spots and wrinkles.' I've heard all of this before but for some reason the way James explained it in simple down to earth terms it came alive for me once again. Great challenge. Thanks yet again to you, James. God bless you!"
— Felicia (Ohio)

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Being Led by the Spirit and Changing the World!


James W. Goll

Matt Sorger:

"Honoring Life in the Spirit"

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