martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

Changing the World through Intercession (Bill Johnson + Testimonies)

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God Encounters Ministries

"Changing the World through Intercession (Bill Johnson + Testimonies)"

by James W. Goll | December 1, 2020 | 1-877-200-1604


Every day at God Encounters Ministries we are working to turn the world upside down by equipping and mobilizing the body of Jesus Christ by teaching and imparting the power of:

  1. Intercession
  2. prophetic ministry
  3. life in the Spirit

An intercessor is someone who "intercedes" or goes between, steps into the gap when needed, and gets involved in solving a problem on behalf of someone else.

Prayer changes lives (both the person prayed for and the person praying)!

We're equipping intercessors as co-laborers and partners with Jesus who have a powerful role in shaping history!


Intercession Changes WorldListen to these powerful testimonies of how people have grown in the place of intercession through our ministry:

"James helped me to take my prayer life to another level and caused my hunger and passion for God to deepen."
— K.R. (North Carolina)

"The impact was HUGE! Being part of MWJG has blessed me in so many ways! It enhanced my prayer life and confirmed in so many ways my calling as an intercessor...and much, much more!"
— P.M. (Minnesota)

"I have grown in understanding and anointing in the operation of the 3 areas targeted: 1) prayer, 2) the prophetic, and 3) intimacy with God. Also, I have sensed more boldness in these areas as a woman and minister of God."
—E.C. (Michigan)

"I was so blessed by this lesson [Waiting, Watching and Warring class]! The power of the Ekklesia! Took me to a new understanding of the courts of heaven. That we, the church should be taking our region with prayer and intercession. Yes, I understood that before, but what grabbed me was the definition... when the church functions in its role as the legislative body through intercessory prayer, we can turn our nations back to God. In my day we called this a 'heavy revey!' Thank you, Jim!"
—Rose (North Carolina)

"Thank you for teaching us I have always prayed for leaders and natural leaders. This is very important equipping, and we pray because it's the right thing to do!! I didn't know about those of 7 culture spheres!! Thank you for teaching us to Pray for welfare of our CITY!!"
—Maria (Michigan)

"This [Powerful Prophetic Intercession class] affirms that we step in and know Him so we can pray with His heart and release solutions of love and as we hear His heart, we step out that they too may know Him too."
—Beth (Australia)

"I was undone by this session [Powerful Prophetic Intercession class], thank you. An answer to prayer, used to weep many tears for Jesus through intercession until rejection hardened my heart. Healing took place after praying the prayer at the end of the session, releasing a new heart of compassion."
—Catherine (United Kingdom)

"Amen! [You] Help this late bloomer to catch up with my gifts of Spirit for the Body of Christ. Thanks be to Lord God! Yes, I needed this! This has really expanded my understanding on the subject of intercession and brought me up to another level."
—Sophia (Oregon)

"Thank you for reminding me about the call of an intercessor, it has been easy to be discouraged as the world descends into darkness. Thank you for showing me the way forward."
—Christina (Australia)

Thank you for helping us equip and mobilize people all over the world in the transforming power of intercession!
Your gifts make a difference and help us turn the world upside down!

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Interceding and Changing the World!


James W. Goll

Bill Johnson:

"Investing in God Encounters Ministries"

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