jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2020

Celebrating the True Meaning of Christmas

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God Encounters Ministries

"Celebrating the True Meaning of Christmas"

by James W. Goll | December 24th, 2020

www.godencounters.com | 1-877-200-1604

True Meaning of Christmas

Celebrating the True Meaning of Christmas

By James W. Goll

Seasons come and seasons go, but in Jesus, we ALWAYS have a reason to celebrate.

Will you join me in giving worship to our true and only King?

Over 2,000 years ago, Joseph and Mary made the long journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, and Jesus was born in a humble stable.

He lived a sinless life and then gave Himself as a sacrifice for our sins on the cross.

Jesus is the true meaning of Christmas—and He is worth celebrating!

Below I've recorded a special reading of Luke 2:1-20 from The Passion Translation. I hope you will listen and then join me in celebrating the Lord Jesus!

We Celebrate You, Jesus!

Jesus, we celebrate who you are. Thank you for coming as a baby, living a sinless life and dying for our sins on the cross. We present our lives to you as gifts as we rejoice in your birth! Use us for your glory.

Merry Christmas!


James W. Goll

James Goll video
Watch as James Goll reads Luke 2:1-20

The Christmas Story

Read by James W. Goll

(Luke 2:1–20 from The Passion Translation)

The Birth of Jesus

1–2 During those days, the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus, ordered that the first census be taken throughout his empire. (Quirinius was the governor of Syria at that time.) 3 Everyone had to travel to his or her hometown to complete the mandatory census. 4–5 So Joseph and his fiancé, Mary, left Nazareth, a village in Galilee, and journeyed to their hometown in Judea, to the village of Bethlehem, King David's ancient home. They were required to register there, since they were both direct descendants of David. Mary was pregnant and nearly ready to give birth.

6–7 When they arrived in Bethlehem, Mary went into labor, and there she gave birth to her firstborn son. After wrapping the newborn baby in strips of cloth, they laid him in a feeding trough since there was no available space in any upper room in the village.

An Angelic Encounter

8 That night, in a field near Bethlehem, there were shepherds watching over their flocks. 9 Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared in radiant splendor before them, lighting up the field with the blazing glory of God, and the shepherds were terrified! 10 But the angel reassured them, saying, "Don't be afraid. For I have come to bring you good news, the most joyous news the world has ever heard! And it is for everyone everywhere! 11 For today in Bethlehem a rescuer was born for you. He is the Lord Yahweh, the Messiah. 12 You will recognize him by this miracle sign: You will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a feeding trough!"

13 Then all at once, a vast number of glorious angels appeared, the very armies of heaven! And they all praised God, singing:

14 "Glory to God in the highest realms of heaven!
    For there is peace and a good hope given to the sons of men."

15 When the choir of angels disappeared back to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go! Let's hurry and find this Word that is born in Bethlehem and see for ourselves what the Lord has revealed to us." 16 So they ran into the village and found their way to Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in a feeding trough.

17 Upon seeing this miraculous sign, the shepherds recounted what had just happened. 18 Everyone who heard the shepherds' story was astonished by what they were told.

19 But Mary treasured all these things in her heart and often pondered what they meant.

20 The shepherds returned to their flock, ecstatic over what had happened. They praised God and glorified him for all they had heard and seen for themselves, just like the angel had said.

Blessings to You and Your Family!


God Encounters Ministries Staff, Team and Board

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