martes, 15 de junio de 2021

James Goll: Your Faithfulness Brings Increase

What you do with "little" determines "the more" God can release...

What you consider to be a "crummy little word" could be just THE WORD someone is dying to hear.

What you do with the "little" determines "the more" God can release to and through you.

He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much. (Luke 16:10a)

Dear Wanda,

Remember the little boy with "nothing" but five small loaves and two fish?

That boy's lunch fed a crowd of 5,000 with leftovers to boot.

How about the widow Elisha encountered who had "nothing" but a little bit of oil?

Her oil multiplied until she ran out of vessels to contain it—enough to pay her debts and deliver her son from bondage.

Talk about increase!

That's the way God's kingdom works. What you do with the "little" determines "the more" God can release to and through you.

In his webinar this past week, James Goll released activation and practical steps for you to turn your "little" into exponential growth in the power and presence of God.

You don't have to wait for a "ministry setting." You can start right now by becoming attuned to the Holy Spirit in order to release His presence in your everyday life.

It could be as simple as asking the Holy Spirit, "Do I go to the gas station now?", or "Do I go to the grocery store?", or "Am I supposed to get in this line?"

Now, that might sound hyper-spiritual, but it can also be an exercise in learning to follow the Lamb of God. These steps might just lead you into conversational ministry or opportunity to give a simple word of encouragement. You never know, but your little act of faith could be THE BIG WORD of encouragement that changes a person's life for eternity.

Just think about Jesus' rest stop for a drink at the Samaritan well!

James' really brought the lesson home when he shared a personal encounter he had with the Holy Spirit. He was discouraged that he wasn't getting the same "level" of words as the others in his ministry circle. These leaders were getting peoples' zip codes, addresses, birthdates...incredible words of knowledge and prophetic detail.

One day he complained, "Lord, all I ever get are crummy little words."

The Holy Spirit replied, "Well, your crummy little words are someone else's next meal."


Sometimes the greatest miracles happen when we are faithful with the nudges, impressions, and the "crummy little words" that we have at hand.

Do you want to see your faith explode and miracles grow?

Then you need to take James Goll's upcoming class, "Exploring the Feeler Realm." Be encouraged, equipped, and grounded in Scriptural foundations that will expand your spiritual senses and activate you to grow in the power and presence of God.

By the way, if you loved this story, there's more. James doesn't teach a message he hasn't lived, and more often than not, learned "the hard way." His transparency is liberating and encouraging for anyone who thinks you have to get it right the first time. You will see and experience God's tender mercy, love, and grace as our chief Rabbi and Helper exemplified in James' teaching and ministry.

Want an extra bonus? Register for Exploring the Feeler Realm by June 17 and receive his 15-lesson class, Angelic Encounters, absolutely free.

If you missed James' original webinar, "Increasing Your Anointing," click here to watch it. It will get your juices flowing.


In 12 pre-recorded lessons and 3 LIVE Q&A sessions, James Goll will take you on a journey to grow in receiving and moving in spiritual revelation in 12 main lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Experiencing the Emotions of God
  • Lesson 2: Your Natural and Spiritual Senses
  • Lesson 3: Jesus and the Heart of Compassion
  • Lesson 4: Sensitivity
  • Lesson 5: How to Respond to Feelings
  • Lesson 6: The Fruits of the Spirit
  • Lesson 7: The Gifts of the Spirit
  • Lesson 8: The Power of Conviction
  • Lesson 9: Burden Bearing
  • Lesson 10: Discerning Atmospheres
  • Lesson 11: Wisdom for Feelers
  • Lesson 12: Flowing in the Power of God
Exploring Feeler Realm

With practice and discernment, you can learn to recognize, filter and understand the often-subtle ways the Holy Spirit speaks directly to your heart, emotions and intuition, bringing divine revelation through your sanctified feelings.


Class bonus

If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to walk in greater clarity and victory than ever before!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Anointing Webinar Replay
Emotions of God

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Empower 2000, Inc
10313 Walker Rd
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
United States
(540) 445-1463

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