martes, 8 de junio de 2021

Replay and highlights from Increasing Your Anointing with James Goll

Wow! If you want to spark passionate fire in your heart...

Increasing Your Anointing: How to Grow in the Power and Presence of God with James Goll

"Great men and women of God that I'm using in the earth today are not being used because they are something special. I'm using them for one reason, and one reason only: It's because they have touched Me and I have touched them"
–Rodney Howard Brown

"It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil." (Isaiah 10:27, NKJV)

Dear Wanda,

What an amazing webinar with James Goll! His words are like gold. No matter what his message, James never fails to draw me into the heart of the Father and awaken greater desire for intimate, loving relationship with God.

Today's webinar, "Increasing Your Anointing: How to Grow in the Power and Presence of God," did just that. I came away HUNGRY for more of God. I am THIRSTY to continually abide in His Presence. And according to James Goll's message today, spiritual hunger is the magnet that attracts the Lord's Presence and power.

Plus, James is such a powerful teacher. I am still reverberating with the clarity he brought about the way the anointing manifests in different scenarios, the distinct ways we can operate in the anointing; how to recognize the VOICE of the Anointing (hint, it doesn't always come as a "word"); the powerful personal testimonies James shared about his journey from his earliest years of ministry to now; and finally, the way James always brings it back to RELATIONSHIP.

Here are some highlights that stood out for me:

  • The anointing is the presence and power of God made manifest.
  • It is both a supernatural enablement of the Holy Spirit that comes upon the believer to do the works of Jesus,
  • And it can be a seal of approval of the Holy Spirit working through one who is set apart to God.
  • From the example of Jesus' life and ministry, we see there is a RELATIONAL connection between the Son of God and the anointing.
  • Jesus OFTEN withdrew to the wilderness to pray...and when He returned, the POWER OF THE LORD was present to heal... (see John 5:16-17).
  • If it was important for Jesus to pull away and be present with God, then it will be important for you!
  • There is an anointing that COMES ON YOU, and there is an anointing that ABIDES IN YOU (see 1 John 2:20; 1 John 2:27).
  • The way UP is the Way down.
  • Your keys to increase in the anointing are found in the 7 steps of humiliation modelled by Jesus in Phil. 2:5-1.
  • Before honor comes humility.
  • God will speak to His people through the anointing (see John 3:34).
  • He wants to increase His voice in your life.
  • The anointing is expressed in the 5-fold ministry gifts - Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher - listed in Ephesians 4:11-12.
  • Jesus is the ultimate Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, and Teacher.
  • Each one of us has received grace (Eph. 4:7), but it can manifest in a dfiferent package and in a different measure.
  • SOME, not all have been given the measure of Christ's gift as one of the 5-fold ministries.
  • Anointing can be both a RESIDENTIAL grace gift (something that is consistent, always available, and can be drawn on from within).
  • Or CIRCUMSTANTIAL - a gifting that occasionally rests ON a person. For instance, you may have an anointing rest on you for miracles when a situation calls for it, but not necessarily move in miracles all the time.
  • The anointing flow of the Holy Spirit is like the wind of God - you can't see it, but you can see its results.
  • Charles Finney described the anointing like God's electricity.
  • Our job - to plug into the source and be a conduit for God's power to flow.
  • The anointing is a WHO, not a WHAT!
  • 3 ways to move in the anointing: 1. By Faith; 2. Through the Gifts of the Spirit; 3. In the Glory Realm.
  • Increasing in the anointing is not about better church meetings, it's about being available to flow with the Holy Spirit every day.
  • Don't compare your gift to others. What you think of as an "inconsequential word" could meet someone else's desperate need!
  • Options to move in the anointing: 1. Out of a leading of the Holy Spirit without any special feelings or emotions; 2. Out of a special anointing, i.e. healing; 3. Out of reading Scripture and simply doing it; 4. Out of a dimension of compassion where you are flowing in the mercy of God; 5. Out of worship and creating a special realm of the Presence of glory.
  • There is no ONE CORRECT way to hear or operate in the anointing.
  • Remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit because the ONE that is needed is the ONE HE CHOOSES at the moment.
  • Serve the anointing in others, and God will increase the anointing in you.
  • The anointing isn't you. The anointing is a measure of Jesus Christ.
  • The anointing is simple. It's a relationship - asking the Holy Spirit questions, listening to His answers, and moving forward with Him.
  • Humility is key to hosting His presence.
  • Faithfulness is a major key to walking out the desire to see God's power.
  • Hang out with others who love the anointing.
  • Cultivate an atmosphere of faith
  • Hunger and thirst are the magnets that draws the Lord's presence.
  • Prayer and worship - the eyes of the Lord go to and fro throughout the earth looking for those whose hearts are fully His.
  • We are in a season where God is preparing new wineskins for new wine!
  • Rodney Howard Browne prophesied that those the Lord is using are not "special people" but those who have touched God, and God has touched them.

If you want to spark passionate fire in your heart for the power and presence of God, then you don't want to miss this powerful session with James Goll!

Click here to watch the replay and expect the Holy Spirit to touch you today.


First of all, let me say thank you to everyone who already enrolled in James Goll's upcoming class.

God is an emotive God.

The Holy Spirit is not moody, but He can be grieved or joyful, give warnings, and share the feelings of the Father's Heart.

Your five natural senses have corresponding spiritual senses. And the gifts of the Spirit often operate through your five senses and especially your feelings.

God is love, joy, peace and all the other fruits of the Spirit. Through these fruits, the Holy Spirit exhibits the very emotions of God to your heart and soul and even your physical body.

With practice and discernment, you can learn to recognize, filter and understand the often-subtle ways the Holy Spirit speaks directly to your heart, emotions and intuition, bringing divine revelation through your sanctified feelings.

Exploring the Feeler Real

For example, you may…

  • discern angelic and demonic spirits by sensing and feeling their presence
  • receive words of knowledge and experience gifts of healings through sensations
  • detect a spirit of witchcraft by feeling a pain behind your eyes

As you mature in the supernatural ways of Jesus, He can more effectively use you to minister His life and gifts to others.

Through grounded scriptural teaching, lessons from church history, modern testimony, and personal experience, this class will help you grow in practically receiving and discerning spiritual revelation.

In this class with James Goll you will learn to:

  • Identify the emotions of God
  • Recognize how the Holy Spirit communicates gifts and revelation
  • Respond appropriately to your feelings
  • Embrace your sensitive nature
  • Detect the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit through feelings
  • Cooperate with and flow in the power of God


Register for James' upcoming class by midnight Eastern tomorrow (June 9) and you will automatically receive a PDF of James' study guide: Angelic Encounters Today.

Did you know that you typically have a lot more angelic company than you realize?

Your prayers release God's power and God often sends angels to bring His powerful response. Angels were at work throughout the Old and New Testaments and they are still at work today!

Get past myths and stories to discover the true nature, role, and history of angels in our world in this powerful study guide by James Goll.

Study Guide Bonus

If you have any questions, please email

Blessings to walk in greater clarity and victory than ever before!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

Anointing Webinar Replay
Clear Definition
Clear Definition
Rodney Howard Brown
You are anointed

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